Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers

Please feel free to take what you need from of our downloads of technical information and product details. If there is specific information that you require and cannot locate then please contact us for assistance.
Recoup WWHRS brochure
Recoup's Waste Water Heat Recovery System (WWHRS) Brochure and Portfolio to download, save, print or share. Provides background information on WWHRS and why to use it, SAP assessment, SBEM, BREEAM, Passive House, all product options, features, benefits, installation methods and links to additional useful information. Download here...
Product Documents
Recoup Pipe HEX Technical Specification
Technical Specification document for the Recoup Pipe+ HEX.
Recoup Pipe HEX Rd Technical Specification
Technical Specification document for the Recoup Pipe HEX Rd.
Recoup Pipe HEX Be Technical Specification
Technical Specification document for the Recoup Pipe HEX Be.
Recoup Easyfit+ Technical Specification
Technical Specification document for the Recoup Easyfit+.
Recoup Drain+ Compact Technical Specification
Technical Specification document for the Recoup Drain+ Compact.
Recoup Drain+ Duo Technical Specification
Technical Specification document for the Recoup Drain+ Duo.
Recoup Drain+ Duo HE Technical Specification
Technical Specification document for the Recoup Drain+ Duo HE.
Energy Statement Overview & Specification Outline
Our Energy Satatement and Specification Outline should be used to specify WWHRS products. Providing a statement of WWHRS energy saving, full installation method comparison, and all details for specification of any Recoup WWHRS product.
Recoup Pipe+ HE Product Overview
Product overview document containing the key information about the Recoup Pipe+ HE.
Recoup Easyfit+ Product Overview
Product overview document containing the key information about the Recoup Easyfit+.
Recoup WWHRS – Specification by sector
The Recoup WWHRS specification by sector document looks at Waste Water Heat Recovery incorporated in parts of New Build, Commercial and Social Housing sectors and the recommended products for each of them.
Installation guides, performance data & product detail
Recoup Pipe HEX installation Guide and Data
Guide to the installation, product details, performance and operation.
Recoup Easyfit+ installation guide and data
Guide to the installation, product details, performance and operation of the Recoup Easyfit+ product.
Recoup Easyfit+ Retrofit Installation Process in Pictures
Guide to the retrofit installation of the Recoup Easyfit+ shown in pictures.
Recoup Drain+ Duo HE installation and data
Guide to the installation, product details, performance and operation of the Recoup Drain+ Duo HE product.
Recoup Drain+ Duo installation and data
Guide to the installation, product details, performance and operation of the Recoup Drain+ Duo product.
Recoup Drain+ Compact installation and data
Guide to the installation, product details, performance and operation of the Recoup Drain+ Compact product.
Recoup Pipe+ HE installation video
Recoup Easyfit+ installation video
BIM Models
Recoup Pipe HEX BIM Model
The Recoup Pipe HEX Building Information Model (BIM) is available for download here and on Bimstore with our other products. The Pipe HEX model also covers the reduced sized Pipe HEX-Rd and Pipe HEX-Rd (Bespoke) versions.
Recoup Easyfit+ BIM Model
The Recoup Easyfit+ Building Information Model (BIM) is available for download here and on Bimstore with our other products.
Recoup Drain+ Duo BIM Model
The Recoup Drain+ Duo Building Information Model (BIM) is available for download here and on Bimstore with our other products.
Recoup Drain+ Duo HE BIM Model
The Recoup Drain+ Duo HE Building Information Model (BIM) is available for download here and on Bimstore with our other products.
WRAS certification
All our Waste Water Heat Recovery Systems are certified by WRAS. Please contact us to request copies of certification
KIWA certification
All our Waste Water Heat Recovery Systems are material & mechanical tested by KIWA. Please contact us to request copies
Legionella guidance
Recoup WWHRS have been risk assessed by Legionella Control. Please contact us to request our guidance sheet for all installation methods, or to ask specific questions on this subject.