Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers
10 Years of Passive Energy Saving with Recoup WWHRS
Formed in November 2011, Recoup Energy Solutions Ltd have become the leading UK specialist in Waste Water Heat Recovery Systems for Showers (WWHRS), we are celebrating our 10-year anniversary.

Over 10-years Recoup WWHRS have been instrumental in the expansion of Waste Water Heat Recovery as a recognised and accepted energy saving technology. We have established long-standing supply relationships with leading UK housebuilders and UK-wide merchant distribution partners, firmly establishing us as the UK market leader for WWHRS.
A sole-supply partnership with the UK’s largest housebuilder, Barratt Developments Plc, which began in 2013, has seen WWHRS designed into thousands of homes across the UK, with many tens of thousands more expected to be installed in the coming years; a move designed to help Barratt meet their ever more stringent energy efficiency targets.
In fact, Barratt’s Z-House, a unique zero-carbon concept home that looks beyond the 2025 Future Homes Standard to showcase the future of sustainable living, is designed with the Recoup Pipe HEX as a key passive energy reduction measure, also complimenting other low carbon technologies such as air-source heat pumps. Don’t worry that you don’t see it within the video, that is the point of WWHRS. It’s a passive energy-saving product, that is installed within the building fabric, hidden away from sight. It’s not flashy; it’s not trendy; it just works….and Barratt have been installing Recoup WWHRS in many of their new homes since 2013! To find out more about Recoup WWHRS in the Barratt Z House see our article.
Looking back to ten years ago, just mentioning Waste Water Heat Recovery would typically receive confused or questioning replies, even amongst some energy specialists! WWHRS was often confused with energy generation technologies, rather than being passive energy reduction measure. However, over the past ten years, Recoup have worked to provide the highest quality education, CPD-learning and instruction resources which are now used by architects, specifiers, energy specialists and developers across the UK. All of our products are SAP & SBEM listed; WRAS accredited; Legionella risk assessed; and provide the highest performance efficiencies currently possible.
Now in 2021, Recoup’s market-leading Pipe HEX vertical heat exchanger which provides the next generation of improvements on two previous vertical models, has been redesigned specifically to tie in with upcoming Part-L 2021 regulation changes. With the Pipe HEX, greater efficiency, means more SAP points, therefore better value for new-build developers and the homeowner: reducing the hot water required for showering by up to 55%.

Looking to the future, Recoup is poised for significant expansion. Driven by demanding new building regulations and a global shift towards more sustainable and low embodied carbon solutions, they are increasing their team and operations to accommodate exponential growth in the UK. This growth is expected to come not only from the new-build housing sector; but apartments; hotels; student accommodation, and the need to retrofit green technologies to homes across the UK.
Altogether, it has been a busy 10 years for Recoup WWHRS, a company that started as two people with an ambition to reduce energy demand and carbon in the built environment. This ambition and dedication from their team has turned Recoup into the specialist it is today.
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