Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers

What is WWHRS?

WWHRS is the abbreviation of Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers. In the simplest terms a system or technology that uses the residual heat from the waste shower water to preheat the incoming cold feed that refills the system. Therefore, less energy is used to heat that water to the required temperature.

Water Heater Cylinder Boiler

Water Heater

The building’s water heater (Combi boiler, Cylinder, Thermal store or HIU) produces hot water for the shower.
Shower Head Water at 40°C

Hot Water

Hot water reaches the shower and mixes with cold water, leaving the shower head at around 40°C. NB: The temperatures indicated are typical values
Shower Drain Water to WWHRS at 35-38°C

Shower Drain Water

Waste water goes down the shower drain at around 35°C to 38°C and enters into the waste water heat recovery system (WWHRS). NB: The temperatures indicated are typical values
Heat exchange within the WWHRS

Heat Exchange

The waste water heat recovery system (WWHRS) incorporates a heat exchanging process. The heat energy from the waste shower water is absorbed by the heat exchanger.
Cold mains into WWHRS at 10°C

Cold Mains Water

Cold mains water enters into the waste water heat recovery system (WWHRS) at around 10°C and runs alongside the heat exchanger. NB: The temperatures indicated are typical values
Preheated water created at 25°C

Preheated Water

The heat energy absorbed by the heat exchanger is transferred to the cold mains water heating it up. The heated cold water becomes preheated to a temperature of around 25°C. NB: The temperatures indicated are typical values
Preheated water saves energy and money

Energy Saving

The preheated water is fed back to the water heater and/or the shower. The increased temperature means that the water heater does not need as much energy to heat the water to hot and the shower demands less hot water from the water heater, saving energy and cost.
Soil waste water to sewerage

Soil Waste Water

After loosing its heat energy the waste water passes out of the waste water heat recovery system (WWHRS) and into the buildings main drainage..

How it works

The animations below shows the Recoup Pipe HEX, vertical Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers (WWHRS) and horizontal Recoup HeatDeck WWHRS. All Recoup WWHRS products follow the same principle. Shown how they work and the three installation methods for Waste Water Heat Recovery (WWHRS) with a TMV shower (Thermostatic Mixer Valve shower). Taking you through the three installation method configurations that can be installed (System A, B and C).

    • System A – Preheated water is sent to the water heater and the shower
    • System B – Preheated water is sent to the shower only
    • System C – Preheated water is sent to the shower only

Recoup Pipe HEX Vertical WWHRS

Recoup HeatrDeck Horizontal WWHRS

How it works – System differences

Each system installation method has its purpose. System A is the most efficient and saves the most energy because both the water heater and the shower receive energy from the preheated water. This makes it the system installation method to use if you can.

System B saves less energy than System A or C but it is the easiest method to retrofit. You only need the preheated water to reach the shower which the WWHRS unit will be located near to. System B must also be used for any secondary systems because only one unit can be connected to the water heater.

System C saves less energy than System A, but more than System B. It is the least common but is recommended in specific layout situations. This can be when more than one shower is connected to a single WWHRS unit or when pipework distances do not allow System A to be installed.

If you would like to discuss which system installation method is the most suitable for your project, please contact us.

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