Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers
Recycling is extremely important to us as part of our Cradle to Cradle circular economy. Our products and packaging use materials that are recyclable and we strive to limit waste wherever we can. We also offer end-of-life recycling for the materials used in our product construction. Through this process, the source materials are not lost to waste. Some components are reused, some broken down and taken back to source elements, and some processed for alternative use.
Although our products projected lifespan IS more than 50 years in line with other plumbing infrastructure, we are ensuring our recycling process is in place long before it is required. Contact us if you have one of our products to recycle or if you would like more information about the recycling and reuse of the materials used.
Product Materials Recycling
The primary materials used in our main products are, Copper, PVC plastic, 100% Recycled ABS plastic and Stainless Steel. At end-of-life, typically after 25 to 60 years, the Copper and Stainless Steel would be fully recyclable and could re-enter the material supply chain once processed. The plastics could be broken down and used as a recycled material.
This also applies to any returned, faulty or damaged product. In many cases the heat exchanger (Copper) components within the product can be inspected, tested, and re-used within a new version of the same product. Any other components that can be refurbished and reused would also be integrated back into the manufacturing process.
Packaging Materials Recycling
Recoup product boxes and packing inserts are made from corrugated cardboard which is FSC Mix Card (FSC Paper and recycled paper wave). Paper bags are used for loose components and where packing materials are required in boxes these are also paper based. The outer packaging and inserts are all widely recyclable and appropriate disposal is always advised.
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