Waste Water Heat Recovery for Showers

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Recoup WWHRS are the UK market leaders for Waste Water Heat Recovery for showers (WWHRS). One of the fastest growing energy efficient products available. This is because it is the perfect eco-solution for so many reasons, be it used for new build compliance through SAP, SBEM or BREEAM, or retrofitting existing constructions such as homes, hotels or commercial buildings, which in turn reduces the hot water costs of high traffic areas or hard to treat homes.

WWHRS is a simple heat recovery device that recovers the heat energy from waste shower water. It uses it to preheat mains cold water and sends the preheated water to the shower and/or water heater. This can reduce the energy required per shower use by up to 55%. Energy that would normally go down the drain becomes reused: reducing hot water requirements; lowering CO2 emissions and reducing household energy bills every time the shower is used.

WWHRS is a cost-effective compliance measure for housebuilders and developers looking to meet or exceed the new Part-L building regulations for energy efficiency. The high efficiency of Recoup products produce more SAP points, and therefore better value for new-build developers, the homeowner, and the environment.

Whatever your requirement, the sheer simplicity and low cost of incorporating and installing Recoup WWHRS products, makes it a must for every project.

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